
  • Conventional or organic

  • The complete taste and consistency of fresh fruit is retained

  • No artificial aroma and preservatives

The first product range

OSMOTIC DRIED FRUITS. By introducing vacuum in the process of osmotic drying of fruits, we avoided a long heat treatment and in this way we retain almost all valuable but sensitive biological ingredients: vitamins, minerals, flavorings and colors. Osmotic drying in a vacuum, without the use of any additives and preservatives, produces products that are unlike classically dried, they have a softer consistency which remains unchanged (over a long period of time) and the product's durability continues for over a year.

With these advantages, the possibility of using fruit throughout the year is expanded, as well as in modern industrial plants of the food industry, such as the ice cream industry, cakes, condiments and everyday households.

The second product range

FRUIT SYRINGES with an increased fruit share obtained through osmosis. COLD SQUEEZED JUICES , which are obtained by finishing selected fruit at a special press that allows us to transfer fruit into adequate packaging in order to deliver the highest quality fruit to the users without a long heat treatment where the first taste feels special taste of ripe, juicy, healthy fruits from ecologically clean slopes of Kopaonik.

The third product range

LOW CALORIES FRUIT SPREADobtained by osmosis with increased fruit fraction and parts of whole fruit.